Russia Virtual City Phone Numbers | Global Telecommunications
Russia International Toll Free Numbers - G Tele

Is your telephone infrastructure lacking and letting down your business?

Consider a Russian virtual city number – a simple and fast way to encourage telephone communication by giving your customers a cheaper and more accessible local phone line.

Virtual city phone numbers work by forwarding calls from a chosen local business number to your existing business number, no matter where that is in the world.

Opting for this service allows you to build a local presence without investing thousands in a new area and can build a better reputation with existing and prospective customers.

Moscow - G Tele

How can a virtual city number in Russia help you?

Virtual city numbers are useful for businesses of any kind – everything from handmade artisan retail to large SMEs, because:

  1. Customers have a low-cost number to contact you on

Chatting with customers on the phone is the best form of communication for businesses across the world – but getting them on the phone can be tricky.

Outbound calls from you to them are not always welcome, so how do you get them to call?

By providing them with a local, low-cost phone number, customers are much more likely to reach out and contact you. This can be beneficial for numerous reasons, allowing you to:

  • Learn ways to improve and stop future problems
  • Answer customer questions and become a trusted expert in their area
  • Move people further along the sales pipeline and help clinch final sales

All of which can be achieved with a Russian virtual city number and your pre-existing sales or office staff.


  1. They offer a large selection of value-added extras

Although GTele specialises in quality call forwarding for Russian virtual city numbers, we also offer a variety of value-added services that can advance your business and help you increase your bottom line. These include:

  • Fax to email – save money by not buying a fax machine and divert them all to your email instead.
  • Queue callers – place callers in queues and play music while they wait.
  • Personalised welcome greetings – greet visitors or potential customers with pre-recorded messages.
  • Professional voice-over recording – perfect if you want to give customers access to important information.
  • Recorded voicemail services – record a personalised message and receive all voicemails to your email.
  • Call diversion – choose which number or numbers can take your calls when you are busy.
  • Call whisper – find out why people are calling before you answer.
  • Time-based routing – choose which numbers your calls will be diverted to based on the time of day.
  • Online number management – control where numbers are forwarded (ideal for use alongside CRM software).
  • Call recording – have recordings sent to your email or stored online, making them perfect for dispute resolution or training.
  • Option routing – successfully reroute calls based on the department they need to speak to.
Russia Virtual City Numbers - G Tele

Why choose GTele to supply your virtual city number?

Global telecom infrastructure doesn’t need to be a minefield– especially with the experts at GTele.

A virtual city number in Russia also doesn’t have to be expensive, with a monthly rental of just £15 and a one-off set-up cost of £10.

The team at GTele has over 20 years of experience as leading number provisioning specialists that deliver a range of telephone solutions across the most populated continents on the globe – including virtual city numbers. This expert specialism ensures all call forwarding remains legally compliant and will help, not hinder, your business.

To learn more about how we can help you fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What cities are included with a Russian virtual city phone number?

If you are looking to expand into different cities across Russia, GTele can provide Russian virtual city numbers for Moscow and Saint-Petersburg – the most populated cities in the country.

This can help your business by giving you a local presence, which you can grow before investing in expensive things like premises, stock, personnel, and marketing.

Thanks to the low set-up and monthly costs of a virtual city number, expanding your telephone services can be low risk – with a potential high reward!

For more information, or for a quote including your Russian virtual city number and any of our value-added extras, give us a call on 0207 3055 999 or fill in our contact form with your details and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Can a virtual city number for the Russia be used in our other divisions?

A Russian virtual city number is suitable for use only in Russia alone and therefore can’t be used in any other country.

A local number for your chosen area of Russia is only an effective strategy because it is familiar to the customers who live and work there. A local number from South Russia would be unfamiliar to prospective customers in any other country, so wouldn’t have the same impact – and could even look suspicious and alienate potential customers.

For a separate virtual city number for any of the other 50 worldwide countries we supply, just give us a call today on 0207 3055 999 and we’ll draw up a bespoke contract for you that incorporates all of your virtual city numbers.

How soon can I get a virtual city number?

After you have decided on a virtual city number as a way of increasing your business’s reach, you will need to reach out to us to begin your contract and place your order.

Once the order has been processed, you will be issued with a formal business contract and a Russian virtual city number that you can begin using on all marketing collateral, on your website, and even on signs and notices in the area you are targeting.

This takes on average ?? and although it is not necessary, many customers prefer to ask colleagues or friends to test the service to ensure it is forwarding calls correctly – reach out to us by phone if you encounter any issues.

To start the process and order a virtual city number from the experts at GTele, contact us today. Simply send us an email or call us and we’ll get you started in no time.


Can I pay the monthly contract fees by BACS or direct debit?

Businesses may prefer to pay monthly contract fees by BACS as a way of reducing business administration, while others prefer direct debit.

Either way, GTele can accept payments in both methods – whichever is easiest for you.

For more information about your repayments, see our Terms & Conditions or give us a call 0207 3055 999 and we’ll do what we can to help.

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Value Added Services

Fax to Email

Faxes can still be an important way to communicate. Save ink and paper by having your faxes sent to your email address.

Call Whisper

Call Whisper – tells you what the call is for before you answer the call.


Our Voicemail service allows you to record a personalised voicemail message and when the caller leave a voicemail we will email the recording to you.

Divert Calls When Busy

Don’t send callers to voicemail or make them call you back. Set up a divert on busy and forward your calls to someone who can answer it.

Time Based Routing

Have your calls routed to different locations depending on the time of the day.

Queue Calls

Queue callers on our network and play music to them while they wait for you.

Online Number Management

Online management allows you to control where your phone numbers are forwarded to immediately.

Record Calls

Record phone calls and have them sent via email or stored online.

Option Routing

Option Routing is also known as an Auto Attendant or IVR. It gives callers the option to press a number and be routed to a department.


Record personalised welcome greetings for your callers when they call you.

Professional Voice Over Recording

If your phone number has important messages played then you need to consider having the messages professionally recorded.

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