01473 Numbers - Ipswich Virtual City Phone Numbers
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01473 Numbers - Ipswich Virtual City Phone Numbers

Looking to expand into new areas and offer your customers impressive telephone infrastructure?

Then consider an 01473 local number for Ipswich.

Designed to encourage telephone communication by forwarding calls from a chosen local business number to your existing business number, 01473 phone numbers increase your presence in a targeted area and can help to boost sales with minimal financial outlay.

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How can an 01473 number boost business for you?

Although many assume a local number is only for very large businesses, the use of an 01473 phone number can help businesses of any size, from major corporations to SMEs. They do this by:

  1. Giving your customers a local rate option  

With prices for everything seeming to soar, it can be hard for customers to find numbers that are low-cost or free to call, which won’t cost them vast amounts per minute.

By opting for an 01473 number, you can provide your customers with a low-cost local number to contact you on – which is much less likely to leave them out of pocket and can even be free depending on your minute packages.

Allowing customers to call you and connect with your business – which boosts the likelihood of them buying from you.

  1. Testing areas of expansion

As businesses grow and look to expand into new areas, there is a certain amount of risk involved – which needs to be carefully considered against the benefits it may bring.

An 01473 phone number for Ipswich allows you to place minor investments in potential expansion locations to test them before fully investing in the very costly aspects like extra staff, new premises, and stock.

For as little as £5 a month, with no set-up fee, you can introduce customers in a new area to your brand, provide better customer service for your current customers, and monitor sales before you make larger investments.

Allowing you to consider expansion properly and put measures in place to minimise risk.

Ipswich Waterfront

Why choose a virtual city number from GTele?

Global telecom infrastructure from GTele doesn’t need to be expensive or complicated to provide excellent value for money for your business.

With a monthly rental fee of just £5, you can purchase an 01473 number and be up and running in as little as a few days.

And with more than 20 years of experience as a leading number provisioning specialist, GTele can give your business exactly what it needs without spending over the odds.

To see how we can help you, call us or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What value-added extras can I order from GTele?

Alongside quality call forwarding from Ipswich to your main office via an 01473 phone number, GTele offers a variety of value-added services that can increase the professionalism of your business and help you provide better customer service, including:

  • Recorded voicemail services – record a personalised message and receive all voicemails to your email
  • Call diversion – choose which number or numbers can take your calls when you are busy
  • Fax to email – save money buying a fax machine and divert them all to your email instead
  • Call whisper – find out why people are calling before you answer
  • Time-based routing – choose which numbers your calls will be diverted to based on the time of day
  • Queue callers – place callers in queues and play music while they wait
  • Online number management – control where numbers are forwarded (ideal for use alongside CRM software)
  • Record calls – refer back to recorded calls later for training or monitoring purposes
  • Option routing – successfully reroute calls based on the department they need to speak to
  • Personalised welcome greetings – greet visitors or potential customers with pre-recorded messages
  • Professional voice-over recording – perfect if you want to give customers access to essential or important information

For more information about how our services can help your business, or to find out how much your Ipswich local number and additional extra services will cost, reach out to us today. You can give us a call on 0207 3055 999 or complete our contact form and we’ll help where we can.

Can an 01473 phone number be used by mobiles and landlines?

Any local number service from GTele can be called by both mobiles, landlines, and click2call services.

This means however your customers choose to reach out, you can be there for them.

We can also set up your local phone number so that all calls are forwarded to a mobile phone instead of a business landline if you prefer, which is ideal for businesses who are always on the go and rarely in the office.

To set up your local number for Ipswich,  give us a call today on 0207 3055 999.

Are GTele services legally compliant?

Legal compliance is incredibly important to everyone here at GTele, which is why we use our team’s vast experience to ensure our services meet the legal and regulatory standards for your area.

During the sign-up process, we compile all of the relevant information and run specific compliance checks – if there are any doubts about the legality of the enterprise, our team will be in touch to check.

While very important, this isn’t something that should worry you – unless you are planning to use a local number for scamming or other illegal purposes, of course!

To see if this applies to your local number choice or if you have any concerns about possible legal issues, please contact the team today – we will gladly put your mind at ease and help wherever we can.

When do I pay for my GTele services?

GTele contracts are paid monthly as part of a 12-month bespoke contract, which is described as your initial period throughout the year.

All monthly repayments are exclusive of VAT and can be paid with all cost centres and currencies – making it much easier and simpler for you.

You have the option of paying by BACS, bank transfer, or standing order – depending on what you prefer.

If you have any issues or questions about your repayments, please see our Terms & Conditions or give us a call 0207 3055 999 and we will be in touch as quickly as possible.