International Phone Number Testing | Global Telecommunications

International Phone Number Testing

As the World starts to prepare for normality and vaccines allow people to start to plan their lives, we are starting to see green shoots. Holidays are being booked, airlines are selling seats, concert venues are booking artists. After almost a year on hiatus, companies believe what worked a year ago may work tomorrow. Don’t believe the hype! We have noticed a significant increase in Phone Number Testing requests on overseas toll free numbers. Some of these numbers were paused or re-routed to home environments. As the change back to normal takes pace you should consider testing your phone numbers that are the life blood to your company. It doesn’t cost much (£20 per test) and a real human in any country will call your toll free number from a landline and mobile. We will report on the success or failure of the call and you can rest, knowing that your overseas numbers work.

If you have an estate of overseas phone numbers and would like to test them using real life testers please feel free to contact us.  It will be the best £20 you ever spend.