01752 Numbers - Plymouth Virtual City Phone Numbers
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01752 Numbers - Plymouth Virtual City Phone Numbers

Do you need to improve your telephone infrastructure to keep your customers happy?

Then why not consider a local 01752 number for Plymouth?

Designed to forward calls from a chosen local business number in Plymouth to your existing business number, 01752 phone numbers help to increase your presence in a targeted area and can help boost sales with minimal financial outlay.

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How can a 01752 number help increase your profits?

The use of a 01752 phone number can bring benefits to businesses of any size, from major corporations to SMEs. They do this by:

Giving your customers a local rate option  

As the prices of everything seem to soar, customers may not call because of concerns about how much it will cost them per minute.

By opting for a 01752 number, you can provide your customers with a guaranteed low-cost local number to contact you on – which can even be free depending on their phone packages.

This certainty boosts the likelihood of them contacting, and then buying from you.

Red and White lighthouse Plymouth

Testing proposed areas of expansion

As your business grows, you may well be looking into expansion, but the benefits of this need to be carefully weighed against the possible risks.

A 01752 phone number for Plymouth allows you to place very minor investments in potential expansion locations to test them before fully investing in extra staff, new premises, stock, etc.

For just £5 a month with no set-up fee, you can introduce customers in a new area to your brand, provide better customer service for your current customers, and monitor sales before you make the leap – allowing you to consider expansion properly and minimise risk.

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Why choose a virtual city number from GTele?

With more than 20 years of experience as a leading number provisioning specialist in countries and cities across the world, GTele can give your business exactly what it needs without spending any more than you need to.

To see how we can help you, call us or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What value-added extras can I add to my contract?

Alongside quality call forwarding from Plymouth to your main office via a 01752 phone number, GTele offers a variety of value-added services that can help you provide better customer service. These include:

  • Recorded voicemail services – record a personalised message and receive all voicemails to your email.
  • Call diversion – choose which number or numbers can take your calls when you are busy.
  • Fax to email – save money buying a fax machine and divert them all to your email instead.
  • Call whisper – find out why people are calling before you answer.
  • Time-based routing – choose which numbers your calls will be diverted to based on the time of day.
  • Queue callers – place callers in queues and play music while they wait.
  • Online number management – control where numbers are forwarded (ideal for use alongside CRM software).
  • Record calls – refer back to recorded calls later for training or monitoring purposes.
  • Option routing – successfully reroute calls based on the department they need to speak to
  • Personalised welcome greetings – greet visitors or potential customers with pre-recorded messages.
  • Professional voice-over recording – perfect if you want to give customers access to essential information.

For more information about how our services can help your business, give us a call on 0207 3055 999 or complete our contact form and we’ll help where we can.

How long will a local 01922 number take to set up?

In business, targets change frequently, so engagement tactics need to be just as fluid and fast-moving.

Investing in a 01922 phone number can be achieved in just a few days – and potentially even faster if information is shared promptly.

The process with GTele follows a few simple steps:

  1. You reach out and express an interest – contacting us by phone is often the fastest option, especially if you want to ask any questions.
  2. We’ll talk you through your options and begin your contract – knowing what you need ahead of time (including value-added extras) will shorten this step and stop unnecessary delays.
  3. Your order will be put through, and a formal business contract generated – completing and returning this promptly with the necessary payment information will allow our experts to set up your 01922 phone number much faster.
  4. Then you will be given a local number for Plymouth, which can be put straight to use by your in-house marketing and sales staff.

To get started, send us an email or call us and we’ll get the ball rolling.

Can any phone call a 01752 phone number?

Any number service from GTele can be called by any type of carrier, including mobiles, landlines, international locations, SIPs, and Click2Call.

This means that no matter how your customers prefer to reach out, your business is accessible.

We can also set up your 01752 number so that all calls are forwarded to a mobile phone instead of a business landline, which is ideal for businesses that are always on the go.

To set up your local number for Plymouth, give us a call today on 0207 3055 999.

Can 01752 phone numbers be used with Click2Call?

Busy offices are increasingly turning to more efficient options like Click2Call as it allows them to answer and take calls while they are working.

Calls are completed through the internet using a microphone headset and a modern browser, rather than a mobile or traditional handset and customers can simply click to call while they are scrolling the internet.

A 01922 number is also ideal for pairing with Click2Call services, allowing you to work efficiently and still answer or make calls without stopping.

For more information about Click2Call, or for a quote including your 01922 phone number and any value-added extras, give us a call on 0207 3055 999 or fill in our contact form and we’ll be in touch.

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