Manchester 0161 Phone Numbers
Purchase an 0161 phone number for your business so that your local customers in Manchester can call you. The service is quick and easy to set up and we can forward the incoming calls to your existing mobile, landline, IP address or Microsoft Teams end point.
We carry 0161 phone numbers in stock and can set up numbers in minutes if needed. The minimum term for this service is just one month. If after one month you don’t need the number any more you can cancel with just 30 days notice.
Frequently asked questions about Manchester 0161 numbers
- How many calls can be handled at the same time with your 0161 numbers?
- We don’t limit the number of calls you can answer. The only limit is the number of consecutive calls that you can cope with at the answering end. For example if you forward the 0161 number to a mobile then you are limited by the mobile one call at a time. If you forward the 0161 number to a call centre with 120 agents then we can pass you 120 calls at the same time (more if you build a queue at the front end).
- How log do I have to commit to when ordering an 0161 number?
- The minimum term is just 30 days.
- Can I call out and present my 0161 number that you supply me?
- Yes. You will either have to use us for your outbound calls or advise your current supplier that you are the current owner of the number. Ask us for more information on this.
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